Globalization of Trade Unions – Our Response to Globalization of Capital!
The crisis that struck the world economy is a direct outcome of the capital globalization based to the detriment of productive economy on the profits maximization principles, on greed and financial speculations, and on growing inequality of income distribution. Tens of millions of workers worldwide who lost their jobs and sources of livelihood fell innocent victims to the crisis.
The capital and governments’ conduct in time of the crisis clearly show at whose expense and in what way they are trying to patch up the holes in the economy and preserve their super-profits. They are doing it primarily by cuts in social spending, job cuts, increased exploitation of the working people, reduction of labour and social guarantees, particularly by revising and worsening the labour laws.
Under growing contradictions between labour and capital and recent years’ increasing attacks on workers’ and trade union rights in many countries of the world, the FNPR continues to follow in its activity the principles of international trade union solidarity, constantly strengthens cooperation and interaction with the trade unions abroad and with the international labour movement.
The global trade union information space based on the most advanced internet technologies should become one of the international trade union movement key instruments. It should ensure free and fast access to information on workers’ problems in different countries, on unscrupulous employers, on trade union struggles’ forms and methods. This information space should become the ground for solidarity actions coordination, problems discussions and common trade unions’ positions elaboration.
The FNPR needs to put national trade union centers’ positive practices and experiences at the service of its affiliates, the rank-and-file trade union members. At the same time, the FNPR as one of the largest national trade union centers in the world has to use all its influence and authority to strengthen the international trade union movement.
The Congress calls upon all the FNPR affiliates to become actively involved in implementing the decisions adopted by the 2nd World Congress of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) held under the slogan: “Now The People – From The Crisis To Global Justice”, reaffirming the ITUC’s commitment to enhance the world trade unions’ struggle for decent work, business social responsibility and equitable redistribution of financial flows.
Distinguishing the important role the FNPR and its’ affiliates play in the International Labour Organization (ILO) the Congress draws special attention to the ratification by the Russian Federation of the ILO Conventions protecting workers’ and trade unions rights, and to the practical implementation of these Conventions by the Russian Federation Government and the employers.
Strengthening the FNPR’s cooperation with the Newly Independent States’ and the former Soviet Union republics’ trade unions is acquiring particular importance and significance. To that effect it is necessary to assist with developing further the Pan-European Regional Council of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC/PERC) and The General Confederation of Trade Unions (GCTU), as well as to broaden bilateral cooperation with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) member states’ trade unions.
The Congress supports active FNPR involvement in activities of other international organizations such as the United Nations, the Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD, the Council of Nordic Trade Unions, the Baltic Sea Trade Union Network (BASTUN), ITUC/PERC Human and Trade Union Rights Network for the Newly Independent States (NIS).
The Congress entrusts the FNPR with the tasks to:
render every possible support to the actions and initiatives of the ITUC, Pan-European Regional Council of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC/PERC), GCTU, international sectoral trade union organizations aimed at workers’ rights protection; actively participate in these organizations’ activities;
pay special attention to exchange of experiences in trade union activists training, involvement of young workers in the trade union movement, improvement of labour and social legislation, protection of workers’ rights, including the rights of migrant workers;
Adhering to the principles of international trade union solidarity, the FNPR calls upon the national trade union centers of the world and the international trade union organizations to:
firmly oppose violations of trade union rights and freedoms all over the world, fight to achieve real and fair equality of people in the labour field and for the opportunity for the working people in all countries and continents to live and work in peace, stability and confidence in the future.
he strength of the international trade union movement is its solidarity!