FNPR Statement
On ETUC European Action and Solidarity Day
14 November 2012
Dear sisters and brothers,
Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia (FNPR) acclaims the European Action and Solidarity Day, and wishes every success to the trade union members and activists. We express our full and unconditional support and solidarity with the European trade unions at this day, day of struggle and mass mobilization. We are well aware, that your protest is an indispensable part of the battle we are fighting together. It has become completely clear, that there are only two post-crisis global perspectives : either to continue with the bankrupt neoliberal orthodoxy, or to put an emphasis on the creation of quality workplaces and stimulation of sustainable and inclusive growth, a growth, which would benefit everybody and would create a more equitable and democratic society throughout the world.
FNPR is firmly committed to the ideas we are arguing for side by the side with the European trade unions – the affiliates of ETUC and PERC, and with all the affiliates of ITUC, at every international forum.
We should persuade the governments and international institutions, that they are sending the wrong message by punishing the workers with austerity measures, while bailing out the banks and the financial institutions. We do believe, that our firm stance face to face with the governments of the G-20 will help us to overcome the troubles, and will enable us to see the brighter future of sustainable world economy, based on inclusive growth, decent work, social dialogue, and respect for human and trade union rights.
In solidarity, Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia