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FNPR appeal to Ukrainian unions


Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine

Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine

Dear Colleagues, Brothers and Sisters,

The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia fully shares your view that the cause of protracted political crisis in Ukraine lies in multiple violations of both social and political rights of the citizens. Having accumulated over the years, these violations became the source of indignation of the Ukrainian people. It resulted in violent confrontation between the official powers and the Maidan thus leading to the loss of life, near disintegration of the governing bodies and chaotic interchange of administrative officials.

We mourn those who died in fratricidal confrontations.

Rest assured that the FNPR has, and will consistently oppose the attempts to unleash an armed conflict between the peoples of Russia and Ukraine. Keeping a cool head and common sense, we must stand together against those who disseminate lies trying to collide the two fraternal peoples with each other. Ukrainian trade unions are a connecting link between the workers in the East and in the West of the country.

We share your view on the need to eliminate the flagrant inequality, strengthen the fight for justice in the world of work. Power and business must finally set face towards the people of Ukraine and give them an opportunity to earn an honest livelihood and to build a socially equitable state.

We believe that only Ukrainian people can, and should, without any external interference, determine the future of their country, its political and territorial structure, using generally accepted democratic procedures.

The war should not happen, and it lies in our power to prevent it!

For our part, we will do our best to explain actual state of things to the Russian workers. Trade unions of Russia have always advocated against nationalism, chauvinism and xenophobia.

Fighting for the rights of our members, wage increase and better working conditions has always been our common goal.

In the current situation we wish friendly Ukrainian unions to maintain their independence and unity. We bring you our support and solidarity,

Yours Fraternally,

Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia

March 5, 2014